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Taigen’s Seminars

Our guiding teacher emeritus, Taigen Dan Leighton, continues to offer his rich dharma through seminars on various topics, both at Ancient Dragon and elsewhere. Below is a list of his upcoming seminars and information on how to register.




Seminar held by our emeritus guiding teacher Taigen Dan Leighton, entitled “Dogen’s Expressing the Dream Within the Dream.” In this seminar, we will discuss the stimulating essay “Expressing the Dream Within the Dream” (Muchu Setsumu) by Eihei Dogen (1200-1253), founder of Japanese Soto Zen. This writing describes the importance of expression for Dogen, and also turns inside out conventional Buddhist views of awakening as being opposed to dream states or delusions. Dogen advocates awakening right in the middle of dreams, simply another aspect of consciousness not to be denigrated. Dogen says, “Expressing the dream within a dream is itself the buddhas and ancestors.” This is one of many examples of Dogen exposing dualistic prejudices, even in traditional Buddhism. Additionally, we will explore Medieval Japanese Buddhist views of dreams as vehicles for Bodhisattva communication, and discuss the importance of dreams for two rough contemporaries of Dogen. Myo-e (1173-1232), a Japanese Avatamsaka and Vajrayana monk, kept a forty-year dream journal celebrated by modern Jungians. Keizan (1264-1325), three generations after Dogen in our lineage and considered the second founder of Japanese Soto, performed ordinations and located new temples based on information from dreams.

Please register for this seminar using the form on the event page. Suggested donation is $50, but sliding scale available to all, less or more is welcome. All are invited regardless of insufficient funds.


buddhateaTaigen will be supporting 2024 in-Person Get Out the Vote Retreats in Wisconsin with morning Dharma talks. Click here for info on registration.  A link to hear the talks online will be posted later. As part of the election retreats Taigen will be giving a series of talks, all 10:15 – 11AM CST on Bodhisattva Politics: 
Mon 10/21   Bodhisattva Politics: Avalokitesvara/ Kannon
Tues 10/22   Bodhisattva Politics: Samantabhadra
Wed 10/23   Bodhisattva Politics:  Maitreya 
Mon 10/28   Bodhisattva Politics: Precepts Paramita
Wed  10/30   Bodhisattva Politics: Patience Paramita 
Thurs 10/31  Bodhisattva Politics: Enthusiasm Paramita

Song of the Grass Hut at Zen Center North Shore

grass hut landscapeThursday October 31, November 7, and November 14 @ 6:15 PM CST

Taigen will be offering a three-week series of seminars on Shitou’s text “Song of the Grass Hut” through Joan Amaral’s sangha at Zen Center North Shore. The seminars will be held on three successive Thursdays, October 31, November 7, and November 14. Please visit the event link on Zen Center North Shore’s website for more information and to register for the event. 


Sunday, November 10, 2024 @ 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Taigen Dan Leighton will give a dharma talk at Milwaukee Zen Center on the connections between Huayan (Avatamsaka) School and Soto Zen, including Huayan Four Dharmadhatus as background for Soto Five Ranks. Focus will be on temporality, Huayan Ten Times and Dogen’s Being Time. More details to follow. 9:30 am CST zazen, 10:15 Dharma talk. For Zoom, scroll down home page to “Start Zoom session here”.

Shobogenzo - Painting of a Rice Cake

Saturday, November 23, 2024 @ 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Seminar held by our emeritus guiding teacher Taigen Dan Leighton, entitled “Dogen’s Painting of a Rice Cake.” We will discuss this provocative essay by Eihei Dogen (1200-1253), founder of Japanese Soto Zen. This writing comments on an old Zen saying, “A painting of a rice cake does not satisfy hunger.” Traditionally this was seen as encouraging experience of “the real thing,” not mere descriptions or comments on reality, mere paintings. But Dogen turns inside out conventional Buddhist views of awakening. (Spoiler alert) In this entertaining and skillful essay Dogen ends up saying, “ONLY a painted rice cake can satisfy hunger.” He arrives at this startling conclusion via discussing painted satisfaction and painted hunger, cutting through to the roots of desire. He expands this to the phenomenal world of mountains and water, as strange rocks and wondrous stones are used to paint mountains, for example. This is one of Dogen’s many writings that expose dualistic prejudices, even in traditional Zen.

Please register for this seminar using the form on the event page. Suggested donation is $50, but sliding scale available to all, less or more is welcome. All are invited regardless of insufficient funds.