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Bob Dylan’s Ongoing Critique of Social Injustice and Masters of War

and Suze Rotolo Foreshadowed Future Abuses,” [15] [16] See: [17] See: [18] See Daniel Ellsberg, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner (New York:…

Zazen as Inquiry

…looking into, what is this? So Dogen in many of his teachings says things like, “Do you completely understand this? Please study this completely. Please thoroughly penetrate this question.” There…

Sangha News

…study, and community. Our non-residential Practice Commitment Period (PCP) is an opportunity to integrate and develop sustainable practice in our everyday lives in intentional community practice. In our post-pandemic, non-residential…

Test Page

…Yes ADZG 897 ADZG Monday Night Dharma Talk by Hogetsu Laurie Belzer Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 52:37 | Recorded on May 24, 2021 |…